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沈 阳 工 学 院 学年论文 题 目: 丹东市桃李面包营销策划分析 学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 市场营销 学生姓名: 王金玉 指导教师: 欧阳慕岚 2013年 11 月 5 日 丹东市桃李面包营销策划分析 摘 要 一个企业发展的好与坏,关键看是否有一套好的营销策略,营销策略关系着企业的生死存亡问题。企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中生存,必须掌握现代营销策略并加以应用。在快速发展的当代,信息技术革命席卷全球,如何运用营销手段,是企业不可忽视的问题。如何通过营销手段来提高国内面包行业的核心竞争力,进一步扩大企业规模,率先抢占中国国内面包市场,保持规模效益的提高,是国内面包行业进一步发展的挑战和机遇。桃李面包是我国面包行业中的领头企业。 关键字:丹东市;桃李面包;营销策略 I 丹东市桃李面包营销策划分析 Abstract The development of an enterprise is good or bad, the key to see whether there is a good marketing strategy, marketing strategy in relation to the problem of vital importance of enterprises. Enterprise wants to survive in the fierce market competition, we must master modern marketing strategy and application. In the rapid development of the modern, information technology revolution sweeps the world, how to use marketing means, is the enterprise can not be ignored. How to improve the core competitiveness of domestic bread industry by means of marketing, further expand the scale of enterprises, the first to seize the Chinese Domestic Bread Market, maintaining the scale benefit, is the further development of domestic bread industry challenges and opportunities. Peach bread is a leading enterprise in China bakery industry in. Based on the analysis of the present situation and the competitive environment of Dandong peach bread bakery industry are introduced in this paper, systematic analysis of the status quo and development and marketing of the bread industry analysis, and then puts forward the relevant strategies to optimize the marketing peach bread brand, in particular to maintain excellent brand, pay attention to technology innovation, development of core brand to maintain brand etc. Keywords: Dandong city; peach bread; marketing strategy II 丹东市桃李面包营销策划分析 目 录 摘 要 ..................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................... II 目 录 ....


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