
Digital FlybyWire Technology IEEE Control (数字FlybyWire技术IEEE控制).pdf

Digital FlybyWire Technology IEEE Control (数字FlybyWire技术IEEE控制).pdf

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Digital FlybyWire Technology IEEE Control (数字FlybyWire技术IEEE控制)

Success Stories FOR CONTROL Digital Fly-by-Wire Technology Digital fl y-by-wire (DFBW) is one of many Draper developed DFBW as an extension of its work on the Apollo Guidance Computer. The concept uses a highly reliable computer and electronic fl ight control system, rather success stories where technology developed than mechanical or hydraulic-based systems, to stabilize and maneuver a vehicle. The under the U.S. space program has proven computer is able to execute far more frequent adjustments than a human pilot, thus benefi cial in other areas. Based in part on a helping maintain stability while offering increased maneuverability. recommendation from Neil Armstrong, who The 15-year DFBW technology research program also demonstrated adaptive control was directly familiar with the Apollo Guidance laws, sensor analytical redundancy techniques, and new methods for fl ight testing digital systems remotely. Computer through his historic lunar landing, NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center chose Real-World Applications to work with Draper Laboratory to adapt The F-8 digital fl y-by-wire program served as the springboard for DFBW technology to be the concept for aircraft, beginning with used in both military and civilian aircraft. Today, commercial launch service providers and experimentation on a U.S. Navy F-8 satellite manufacturers also routinely use the technology in their vehicles and spacecraft. Crusader in 1972.


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