Smart Grid Roadmap Enterprise Architecture (智能电网企业架构路线图).pdf

Smart Grid Roadmap Enterprise Architecture (智能电网企业架构路线图).pdf

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Smart Grid Roadmap Enterprise Architecture (智能电网企业架构路线图)

Smart Grid Roadmap Enterprise Architecture Interest Groups October 16, 2012 Agenda • Introduction Don Von Dollen • DTE Enterprise Architecture Michael Reterstorf • EPRI’s Enterprise Architecture Gerald Gray Activities for 2013 • Wrap up Don Von Dollen © 2012 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Enterprise Architecture EAs Role in Asset Lifecycle Management and Road Mapping Enterprise Architecture – What is it? The purpose of enterprise architecture is to optimize the often fragmented processes (both Enables manual and automated) across the enterprise into an integrated environment that is responsive to change and supportive of the delivery of the business strategy. Align IT strategies with business strategies, to enable DTE Energy to achieve its objectives and goals 4 Focus of Enterprise Architecture • IT Strategic Planning – Providing traceability, optimization, and technology governance of IT Assets to meet business goals and objectives • Governance and Quality – Ensure quality technical solutions utilizing enterprise architecture standards and principles • Industry Standards Alignment – Facilitating the adoption of standards and working with standards setting organizations to develop standards that are favorable to DTE Energy • Technology Management – Managing the full lifecycle of technology from introduction through retirement


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