英语口语面试 急训-900句.doc

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英语口语面试 急训-900句

Lesson 1 Opening Remarks Dialogue A (I =Interviewer主试人A =Applicant应征者) A: Excuse me.May I see Mr. John Watt,the manager? I: It’s me.What can I do for you? A: I have come at your invitation for an interview.Nice to meet you,Mr. Watt. I: Nice to meet you too.Please sit down. A: Thank you,sir. I: We have received your letter in answer to our advertisement.I would like to talk with you regarding your qualifications for this position. A: I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview. Dialogue B I: May I help you? A: Yes,I’m here for an interview as requested. I: You are Miss Li? A: That’s right. I: Please take a seat. A: Thank you,madam. I: We have received your letter and resume,and we thought we would like to ask you to come here for an interview. A:It is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity for inter-view. I: Have you brought your credentials? A: Yes,here they are.This is my ID card.This is my diploma.And this is my certificate for nurse qualifications. Dialogue C I: May I help you? A: Yes,I’ve come to apply for the position as office clerk. I: I’m Edward Snow, the manager of 1 Human Resources Department.May I ask your name? A: My name is Xiaoyan Gu.How do you do,Mr. Snow? I: I’m glad to meet you,Miss Gu.Please take a seat. A: Thank you,sir. 英语面试口语900句: 关于姓名、年龄 关于姓名、年龄 17.What’s your name?你叫什么名字? 18.What’s your surname?你姓什么? 19.What’s your family name?你姓什么? 20.What’s your given name?你的名是什么? 21.What’s your full name?你的全名是什么? 22.Can you tell me what your full name is,please?你能告诉我你的全名吗? 23.How do you spell your family name?你的姓怎么拼? 24.May I have your name please?请问你叫什么? 25.Are you ××?你是××吗? 26.My name is Liu Yun.我叫刘芸。 27.My surname is Liu.我姓刘。 28.My full name is Yuming Liu.我的全名叫刘玉明。 29.My family name is Zhang,Z-H-A-N-G.我姓张,拼作Z-H-A-N-G. 30.How old are you?你多大了? 31.Could you tell me how old you are?你能告诉我你的年龄吗? 32.What’s your age?你多大了? 33.Are you twenty-one years old?你是21岁吗? Dialogue A (I= interviewer主试人 A= Applicant应试者) I:Good afternoon.S


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