The Role of Technical and Vocational Education (技术和职业教育的作用).pdf

The Role of Technical and Vocational Education (技术和职业教育的作用).pdf

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The Role of Technical and Vocational Education (技术和职业教育的作用)

International Project on Technical and Vocational Education Proj et international pour lenseignement technique et professionnel The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the Education System of the Russian Federation The International Project on Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC) is a project of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Its purpose is to contribute to the development and improvement of tech- nical and vocational education in Member States. UNEVOC works in three programme areas: Programme Area A deals with the international exchange of experience and the promotion of studies on policy issues. It is devoted to system development in technical and vocational education. Programme Area B is devoted to strengthening national research and development capabilities, that is to the development of infrastructures. Programme Area C concerns access to data bases and documentation in its broadest sense, in other words, with information and communication. The basic concept behind Programme Area A is to enhance the role and status of technical and vocational education within national education systems. UNESCO held a consultation in 1993 with experts from different regions of the world in order to identify some of the factors which determine role and status of technical and vocational education. Based on the findings, a series of case studies has been initiated on the relevance of these factors within given national education systems. The present study on The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the Education System of the Russian Federation has been prepared in this context. This study was prepared by Prof. I. SMIRNOV, Director, Institute of Development of Vocational Education of Russia, in March 1995, in close collaboration with Dr. D. SOLOMAKHIN, Deputy Head, Department for Perso



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