一 什么是导入(What is import).doc

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一 什么是导入(What is import)

一 什么是导入(What is import) What is import? Introduction is the way a teacher begins a new teaching or teaching activity to guide his students into the study. By guiding people, they lead students to a specific direction of study, which is called directional import Introducing the teaching activities that can arouse the students attention, stimulate students interest in learning, cause learning motivation, clarify the purpose of study and establish the link between knowledge. Two import purpose 1 stimulate learning interest and arouse learning motivation. Interest is the guide of the entrance, the carrier of emotion, the growth point of knowledge. If students are interested in learning, they can concentrate on positive thinking. Interest is the most realistic and active component of learning motivation. The start of the new teachers with appropriate and concise language, correct, clever introduction of the new class can arouse students strong desire for knowledge, arouse their interest, arouse students enthusiasm, make them happy and active learning and produce a kind of perseverance. Show a high spirit of exploration, can get twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, the good guide teacher, in the beginning of teaching, will do everything possible to induce students desire for knowledge, so that students have a desire to understand the world, eager to acquire knowledge, and constantly pursue the intention of truth. Learning motivation is the internal motivation to promote students learning. Only by making the students realize the position and function of the knowledge clearly can the consciousness of study be produced. Burst forth with great enthusiasm for learning. The good guide teacher, beginning with teaching, attaches great importance to clarifying the importance of the new knowledge to be learned in the fields of industry and agriculture, national defense, scientific research and life. 2, cause to pay attention to the subject, and guide into the learning



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