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join-based算法在matlab中的实现 implementation of join-based algorithm in matlab
··24 (总(总 )) Jo in-based matlab 2014 年第 7 期
0508 算法在 中的实现
1003-5850 2014 07-0024-07
文章编号: ( )
Jo in-based 算法在Matlab 中的实现
(云南德宏师范高等专科学校计算机科学系,云南 潞西 678400 )
要:Jo in-based 算法是一种著名的空间co-location 模式挖掘算法,co-location 模式代表的是一组空间特征的子
集,它们的实例在空间中频繁的关联。首先描述了Join-based 算法的工作原理,然后以挖掘三江并流珍希植物的共生物
种问题为例利用matlab 进行了程序实现,给出了运行的最优结果。
关键词:j oin-based 算法,co-location 模式,空间数据挖掘,参与度,Matlab
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A
Implementation of Jo in-based Algorithm in Matlab
YU Cui-lan
( , ’ , , )
De partme nt of Compute r Sc ie nce De hong Teac her s College Luxi 678400 China
Abstract Jo in -based is a famous algorithm for mining spatial co -location patterns. Spatial co -
location patterns are traditionally defined as the subsets of features whose instances are frequently located
together in geographic space. Firstly, the working principle of j oin -based algorithm is described, Then, a
“ ”
plant distributing dataset of Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Area to mining symbiotic plant
species as an example, this paper presents the detailed implementation process of the jo in-based algorithm
in Matlab and gave out the optimal operation results.
:joi n-based algorithm,co-location patterns,spatial data mining,participation index,
Key words Matlab
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