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2 0 0 2 9 33 5 陈 斌  王 忠 , , 8 , , : : T E626. 3 : A Rapid Determination of Lubricating Oil Performance by Near Infrared Radiation Reflection Spectroscopy Chen BinWang Zhong ( J iang s u Un iv ers ity ) Abstract The near infrared radiation refle tion spe tros opy ( NIRDRS) is a new analyzer . It is w idely , used in the field of analy sis of me hani al oil but there is a few reports about to deter mine the . period of lubri ating oil and the time to ex hange the lubr i ating oil T he har a ter of lubri ating oil ( CF 15W/ 40) along w ith the time w as analyzed by NIRDRS. T he mathemati al for mulas betw een the used time of lubri ating oil and NIRDRS w ere put forw ard. A similar linear relationship betw een the NIRDRS absorban e and the 8 samples oil ontent in different w orking time w as observed. The tw o alibration equations w ere obtained on the basement of initial data, and the tw o multiple orr elation oeffi ients w ere 0. 997 and 0. 999 respe tively. Espe ially the average relative error w as only 2. 073%, the standar d err or was low er than 2. 605. T hese results show ed that NIRDRS an analyze the hara ters of lubri ating oil qui kly and determine the time of ex hanging lubr i ating oil. It provided a new te hni al method to in rease the effi ien y and pr olong the life of diesel engine. Key words Near infrared radiation, Internal ombustion engines, Lubri ation oils, M easuring


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