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GCT核心词汇(一) 1. abundant a.(in)丰富的,大量的,充足的:abundant supplies of oil 石油供应充足 2. academic a.①学院的,学校的:the academic year 学年 ②学术的:The question is purely academic. 3. accent n. 口音,重音 v. 强调 access n.①通路,入口:access to the mountain 到达山峰的通路 ②接近,进入:We gained access into the house through the window. have/gain access to 有机会,可以获得 5. achievement n.①完成,达到(目的),实现:the achievement of ones object 达到目的 ②成就,成绩,成功: scientific achievements科学成就. 6. add vt. 添加,增加:Three added to four makes seven. add up to 合计达,意味着 addition n.(增)加,加法,附加物 in addition另外,加之 7. additional a.附加的,额外的,另外的: additional charge 附加费 8. admission n.①准许进入,准许加人:No admission after 5 P. m. ②承认,供认:She made an admission that she had lied.③人场费,入场券:Admission $10. 9. agency n.代理行,代办处,经销店:an employment agency 职业介绍所 10. ancient a. ①古代的:ancient civilizations 古代文明 ②年老的,古老的:an ancient city 一座古城 11. appear vi. ①出现,暴露:A car suddenly appeared round the corner. ②好像是,仿佛,似乎:Everyone appears (to be) well prepared. appearance n. ①出现,露面:He is making his first appearance at a local theatre. ②外表,外貌:Dont judge by appearance. 12. apply vi./vt. ①请求,申请:Last year he applied to return to his own village. ②应用,运用:Apply as much force as is necessary. 需要多少力量就用多少力量。 ③(to)适用:This rule does not apply to him. applicant:申请人 application:申请,请求;应用 13. appoint vt. ①约定,确定 (时间、地点):They appointed a place to exchange experience. ②任命,委派:He was appointed to the position of Export Manager for the firm. appointment n. ①任命,委派:the appointment of a proper person to an office 任命一个适当的人担任某个职位 ②约会,约定:He will only see you by appointment. 14. argument n. ①辩论,争论,争吵:It is beyond argument that… … 是无可争辩的 ②理由,论点:What is his argument? 15. arouse vt. ①唤醒:The noise aroused me from sleep. ②引起,激起:The music aroused a feeling of homesickness in him. 16. aspect n. 方面:We should consider a problem in all its aspects. 17. assess vt. ①对…进行估价:assess the value of a house 估算房子的价值 ②评价,评论:It is difficult to assess the impact of the presidents speech. 18. assign vt. ①(to)指派,委派:He has been assigned


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