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国际组织与教育发展高峰论坛 Symposium on IO ED, 9.20-22,2011. 张民选 ZHNAG Minxuan 上海师范大学 Shanghai Normal University 2011.9.20 * 欢迎辞 WELCOME SPEECH中国与国际教育组织CHINA AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN EDUCATION * 热烈欢迎各位中外嘉宾和青年学者,特别是来自联合国教科文组织、国际教育局、国际教育规划研究所、联合国教科文组织终身学习研究所、世界银行、经济合作与发展组织、欧盟、联合国农村教育研究与培训中心的各位专家和朋友! Warmly welcome all the distinguished guests, friends and young scholars from home and abroad! Especially welcome the leaders and experts from UNESCO, IBE, IIEP, UIL, WB, OECD, EU and INRULED ! 欢迎你们来到上海,来到上海师范大学。 Welcome you to Shanghai, and to Shanghai Normal University! 欢迎词 Welcome * 上海师范大学是一所具有57年历史的上海市重点大学,其英语译名来自法国巴黎高师,可见学校的创办者们对这所大学的寄托。 Shanghai Normal University with 57 years of history is a key university in Shanghai, the English name “Normal University” comes after the Paris “Ecole normale superieure”. Behind it, we can see the aspiration of our founders. 上海师范大学没有辜负创办者的期望,2009年上海学生参加了由经合组织举办、有65个国家和经济体参加的“国际学生测评项目”,结果上海学生阅读、数学和科学三大领域中全部获得第一,而且学校均衡程度也名列前茅。这其中,固然有许多原因,但是这其中一定包含着教师校长们的辛勤耕耘。 SHNU did not fail our founders’ aspiration. Shanghai students took part in the PISA 2009 by the OECD. It happened that they obtained all the first in the three areas: reading, math and science. Among various factors, teachers quality and diligence must be important factors. 上海师范大学 SHNU * 而我要报告大家的是:上海市中小学70%的教师和70%以上的校长都是上海师大的毕业生和校友,这是上海师范大学的骄傲。 It should be reported that both over 70% of school teachers and school principals are our graduates and alumni of SHNU! 上师大已成为师范教育特色鲜明、文科见长、文理工协调发展的综合性大学。 SHNU becomes a comprehensive higher learning institution with teacher educational tradition, strong humanities and harmonious development in arts, science and engineering. 目前有24000本科生、近5000研究生、2500多留学生和14000成年学生。 There are over 24,000 undergraduates, nearly 5000 graduates, 2500 foreign students and over 14,000 adult life-long learners in SHNU. 上海师范大学 SHNU * 4个博士后流动站、6个一级博士点、42个二级博士点、150多个硕士点、10个专业硕士学位点和84个本科专业。 There are 4 post-doctor stations, 6 PhD disciplines and 42