宝宝睡偏头,如何预防与纠正(Baby sleep migraine, how to prevent and correct).doc

宝宝睡偏头,如何预防与纠正(Baby sleep migraine, how to prevent and correct).doc

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宝宝睡偏头,如何预防与纠正(Baby sleep migraine, how to prevent and correct)

宝宝睡偏头,如何预防与纠正(Baby sleep migraine, how to prevent and correct) Baby sleep migraine, how to prevent and correct Within 3 months of the baby sleep migraine phenomenon is more common, some mothers think what may be genetic or other reasons, not too concerned about, so that children grow up to be more difficult to correct. Below we invited pediatric experts to give you reason to interpret the baby sleep migraine, and how to prevent and how to correct, we hope to be able to help their mother. The reason caused by migraine Baby after birth, under normal circumstances the head should be symmetrical, there would be no migraine said. But this time, the babys head is relatively soft, bone development is very fast, coupled with the neck muscles are not fully developed, it is more susceptible to external deformation. Cause baby sleep migraine are: 1, mother in the production of the use of external force. Some mothers during childbirth, doctors may be forced to give the vacuum suction, using forceps and other methods, it was easier to form the hematoma. After the birth of the baby would not sleep at the lateral hematoma, easy to form a migraine. 2, mother habits dictates. If you were born after the baby around the head is symmetrical, and her mother often used to take the same position lying baby sleep, baby this time is also easy to form a migraine. 3, nutrition and genetic diseases and other reasons. This is mainly due to the mother during pregnancy, nutritional deficiencies caused by skull malformations or some other family genetic factors of migraine and other baby. The prevention of migraine Everything should be based on prevention, if the baby is born, the mother will pay attention to the babys sleep posture, you can save a lot of unnecessary trouble, give the baby a perfect head shape. Often change sleeping position The first 3 months of the baby is a crucial period of plastic head type. From the first day of the babys birth, the mother should be accustomed to often chang


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