仓储管理目标全分析(Warehouse management, target, full analysis).doc

仓储管理目标全分析(Warehouse management, target, full analysis).doc

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仓储管理目标全分析(Warehouse management, target, full analysis)

仓储管理目标全分析(Warehouse management, target, full analysis) Warehouse management objectives, complete analysis, loading... Set as home page. Join the collection | home area | Association member area | market dynamic | logistics talent market | | World Expo area | policies and regulations | online consultation | site map Sponsor Related columns Management Institute policies and regulations Enrollment training Hot article The impact of Internet of things on future retailing [Photo] Shanghai Lianhua fresh food processing and distribution center logistics case Sample picture of export licence Quick Logistics Group Profile Research on feasibility and necessity of logistics enterprise informatization Agent selection skills of sea freight Consignment process for carrying less than truckload freight Basic classification of ships carrying sea freight The difference between circulation and logistics Types of logistics nodes The basic characteristics of modern logistics industry The relationship between logistics management and supply chain management Related articles There is no relevant article College Logistics Management Institute Warehouse management, target, full analysis Update time: 2010-7-16 10:34:07 Click: 219 [font: small big] With the development of logistics to supply chain management, enterprises are increasingly emphasizing the unique role of warehousing as a resource provider in the supply chain. The warehouse is no longer the storehouse for storing the goods. - Data accuracy: warehouse is divided into semi-finished warehouse, outsourcing parts warehouse, finished warehouse, raw material warehouse (including consumables, feed back, toner and so on). The accuracy of the target value of debit card are: 95% or above, 99% or above, 100%, 98% or above; audit mode: two times a month or several financial data accuracy evaluation through the smoke, smoke these positions and related responsible persons, by whether the wrong material, whether accurate, accurate delivery recei


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