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仓储(Storage) Storage Edit this paragraph in detail Interpretation Warehouse is a warehouse, which is the floorboard of buildings and sites for storing, storing and storing articles. It can be a building, a cave, a large container or a specific site, etc. it has the function of storing and protecting articles. Reservoir is stored, said for the use of reserves, storage, storage, storage, delivery and use of means. Warehousing means the storage and storage of goods and articles through warehouses Storage is a comprehensive place that reflects the material activities of factories, and is a transfer station connecting production, supply and sale. It plays an important supporting role in promoting production and improving efficiency. Warehousing is the temporary storage of products and articles due to pre order or pre market forecast in the process of production and circulation. It is a comprehensive place that reflects the material activities of factories and is a transfer station connecting production, supply and sale. It plays an important supporting role in promoting production and improving efficiency. At the same time, around the warehouse entity activities, clear and accurate statements, receipts, accounts, accounting departments accurate accounting information at the same time, so warehousing is logistics, information flow, document flow of one. Warehousing contract Warehousing contract means that both parties agree that the safekeeping of the stored goods by the custodian (also known as the warehouse keeper or warehouse keeper) is the contract of the depositor to pay the warehousing fees. Warehousing is a special business that develops and grows in the storage industry with the development of commodity economy. Since modern times, the warehousing industry has developed gradually. The reason is that with the expansion of international and regional trade, the warehousing industry can provide convenient, safe and reasonably priced storage services for large quantitie



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