仓储物流企业典型案例分析(Typical case analysis of warehouse logistics enterprise).doc

仓储物流企业典型案例分析(Typical case analysis of warehouse logistics enterprise).doc

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仓储物流企业典型案例分析(Typical case analysis of warehouse logistics enterprise)

仓储物流企业典型案例分析(Typical case analysis of warehouse logistics enterprise) Four case studies: A warehouse is a building or place of storage or storage of goods. According to the standard can be divided into different categories: According to the warehouse, the areas in the process of social reproduction are divided into: warehouses in production areas, warehouses in transit and warehouses in the state. According to the types of storage materials can be divided into: comprehensive warehouse and professional warehouse. In accordance with the different storage materials, storage conditions can be divided into: ordinary warehouses, constant temperature and humidity warehouse, advanced precision instrument warehouse, cold storage warehouse and special warehouse. According to the structural features of the warehouse, it can be divided into ground warehouse, underground storage and semi underground storage. In addition, there are some other warehouses, such as bonded warehouses, transfer warehouses and so on. The distribution centers also have storage functions to some extent. Case 1: Shenzhen SEG storage and Transportation Co., Ltd. under the protection of SEG Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Fu Bao SEG). Fu Bao SEG in Shenzhen Futian Bonded Area has 28000 square meters of bonded warehouse. The companys main problem is that the fixed assets of the bonded warehouse exceed 80 million, while the annual profit is less than 5 million, and the return on assets is too low. Improve staff morale warehouses, to enhance service awareness, pay attention to enhance the quality of logistics value-added services; increasing proportion, a substantial increase in the warehouse rent outside sources of income, gain more profit contribution rate of high quality customers, the elimination of low profit rate C customers are imperative to the problem. 1. company status analysis: Manufacturing enterprises mainly include Japanese customers Fu Bao SEG Ricoh International Freight Co., L



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