传染病分类(Classification of infectious diseases).doc

传染病分类(Classification of infectious diseases).doc

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传染病分类(Classification of infectious diseases)

传染病分类(Classification of infectious diseases) Summary of infectious disease classification safety education program safety education Safe campus rules and regulations Manage schools according to law fire safety traffic safety Diet safety Self-protection activities network security Refuse drugs Windbreak Dietetic health Infectious disease prevention knowledge Common sense of daily life Bulletin board about health knowledge Chuangwei column Environmental Health Prevention of influenza A (H1N1) | Logistics office home page | General affairs center | Catering center | Plan summary | Rules and regulations | Notification file | Logistics management Garden | Safe campus column | School health and health | Your present position: Daishan Experimental School Logistics Department, school health and health, infectious disease prevention and control knowledge, text user login, new user registration Infectious diseases classification fever [font: small big] Classification of infectious diseases Author: Rong Rong article source: click number: 21405 update time: 2008-1-11 Classification of infectious diseases There are many kinds of infectious diseases in human beings. According to the different routes of transmission, they can be divided into four categories: respiratory tract infectious diseases, digestive tract infectious diseases, blood infectious diseases and surface infectious diseases. 1, respiratory infectious diseases: respiratory infectious disease pathogens is caused by later invade the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract infectious diseases, including influenza, pertussis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, mumps, measles and varicella epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Most of these diseases occur during the winter and spring months, and the patients and carriers are the main source of infection. The primary parasitic sites of pathogens are the respiratory tract, mucous membranes and lungs, which are transmitted mainly through droplets and air. No spitting, k


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