美联英语短新闻 亚马逊做强靠不是企业文化.doc

美联英语短新闻 亚马逊做强靠不是企业文化.doc

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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:英语短新闻 亚马逊做强靠的不是企业文化 You need not search far for leadership failure these days. Klaus Kleinfeld has been ejected as boss of the engineering group Arconic for sending an intemperate letter to a critical investor; Travis Kalanick is trying to mend his macho ways at Uber; Oscar Munoz stumbled in his response to the forcible expulsion of a passenger from a United Continental flight. Many cultures need to change. 要找企业领导人失败的案例,这些天你都不用怎么去搜索。工程集团Arconic的老总柯菲德(Klaus Kleinfeld)因向一位关键投资人发出一封言辞过激的信件而遭免职;特拉维斯?卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)正努力纠正自己在优步(Uber)的大男子作风;奥斯卡?穆尼奥斯(Oscar Munoz)在回应一名乘客被强行驱离联合大陆(United Continental)航班事件时犯了大错。许多文化需要改变。 Step forward Jeff Bezos , founder of Amazon, with some lessons on how to create a productive culture at the top of a growing company. Mr Bezos抯 annual letter to shareholders last week ?as ever with his 揇ay One?letter from 1997 attached ?advises others to mimic what works for him. Who, after all, can argue with Amazon抯 stellar record of growth over two decades? 亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫?贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)主动介绍了一些作为成长型企业的高层如何创建高效文化的经验。上周贝索斯在给股东的年度公开信——依旧附上了1997年他的“Day One”(第一天)公开信——中建议其他人效仿一些对他来说行之有效的方法。毕竟,谁能否认亚马逊二十年来的辉煌成长纪录呢? Be obsessed with what customers want, even if they do not know it themselves, he writes. Beware research and lead with 揾eart, intuition, curiosity, play, guts, taste? Make decisions fast, even with only 70 per cent of the information you would like; tolerate disagreement and commit to supporting the majority. Above all, never become a mature 揇ay Two?company. 他在信中写道,要心系客户需求,即使客户自己不知道想要什么。要注意研究,本着“热情、直觉、好奇心、娱乐、魄力、品味”等精神来领导。做决定要快,哪怕只掌握了70%你想了解的信息。要包容异见,并承诺会支持多数人意见。最重要的是,永远不要变成一个成熟的“Day Two”(第二日)公司。 It is a fascinating insight into what makes Amazon tick and Mr Bezos’s belief that culture is what differentiates it. 揅ulture eats strategy for breakfast,?is a maxim attributed to Peter Drucker, the management guru. But he is preaching an illusion: Amazon did not roll over the US ret


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