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一、关于口译的“听” 听英文: 要具备扎实的语音知识和发音能力,只有这样才能使音和意挂钩起来,不然的话,一定会张冠李戴。比如,Tibet 听成tobacco, president Lincoln 听成 president Clinton. 学会抓住一句话或者一个语段的中心意思,而不要抓住每一个词的个别意思,要善于将前后的意群联系起来理解。例如: Natural changes in the climate are probably to blame for the unusual weather conditions in many parts of the world. 要学会从第一句来预测整段的思路和意向,因为文章的首句通常是topic sentence. 其后的几句大多是从原因,结果,条件,时间,空间等方进行说明或阐述的。 例:I should also like to take this opportunity to thank the countless volunteers from so many nations, who rushed to Japan to help with the relief and reconstruction efforts after the earthquake in 1995. #建议大家平时在联系听力的时候,多听一些英文长句子,长度可以逐渐加长。# 听中文: 强制记忆,尤其是短时记忆一些不熟悉的,没有规律的文字。 二、关于口译的“记” 两个原则: 大脑记忆为主,笔记为辅。 数字,时间,人名,地名一定要记下来。 例1 1. Thank you, Mr. deputy mayor, for your warm remarks. Now I should like to offer a few of my own on behalf of the Johnson Corporation.// 谢副市热话I say 代Johnson cor. 2. I want to assure you that we will do our best to develop a long term cooperation with the banks, corporations and enterprises in Shanghai.// I 保 we 尽力↗长合→bank. Cor. Ent. In SH 3. The Johnson Corporation is a capital-based lending corporation. We mainly offer loans to developing countries and have business relations with many countries in the world.// Johns. Cor $ 基,we 贷→发中□bus tie □ 世 4. This year, we will lower borrowing rates and improve efficiency in order to further enhance business relations with developing countries, especially with our partners in shanghai. // 今年,we ↓借 利↑效→发中 bus tie , esp. 伙 in SH 例2 中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国是两个伟大的国家,但两国的文化,政治传统和经济制度相距甚远。// 中美=2 大□,但cul pol, tradeco sys: very ≠ 尽管如此,两国也还存在很多共同利益,这些利益可以通过改善关系得以实现。 But, 2 □ 有 多 com inter , inte 实, by 改tie #笔记很重要,在考前也要戴上耳机,在草稿纸上练习笔记。# 三、口译的基本方法 顺译法 顾名思义,这种方法是指按所听到的原句的顺序,把整个句子分割成若干个意义单位或信息单位逐一译出,再用增补,删减等手段把这些单位自然衔接,形成完整的意思。顺译法能够减轻记忆负担,便于及时处理信息,因而是口译者及考生的首选良策。 例1 It is indeed a pleasure [1]/to stand before the Assembly [2]/ and extend to you, Sir, [3]/in the name of my country,[4]/my most sincere congratulations[5]/ on your election [6]/as president of the


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