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HYPERLINK 美联英语提供:浅析:做自由职业者5的大优势 导学:早上得早起挤地铁,挤公交赶着去上班,晚上又有可能加班到很晚才能到家。还得经常参加一些浪费时间的会议,应付同事之间的勾心斗角。为这样的工作厌烦了吗?如果是,可以考虑一下当一个自由职业者。其中的原因可不仅仅只是得到了自由哦。 Here are five reasons freelancing may be a better alternative to your current full-time job. 1. To Satisfy Your Creative Impulse满足你的创意冲动 Freelancing can be a great way to put your idea to good use: produce a good sample and put it in your portfolio, or keep the idea in your idea book for a chance to try it out in the future. 2. To Obtain Added Income获得附加收入 If your job isnt taking too many hours out of your day, you can use your spare time to work on freelance projects, such as drawing, designing, web developing, or writing. 3. To Open up new career options面对新的职业选择 Freelancing prepares you for a professional career by harnessing the crucial skills necessary for success. For those who catch on fast and who are willing to learn new things, the sky is the limit. 4. To Work from Home在家工作 This one perk contributes to much of the allure of freelancing. There are plenty of ways you can save on working from home: transportation expenses, the time spent getting to and from work expenses, and the time spent on meetings. 5. To Pick Up Holidays at Will想休假就休假 Provided that you have completed your project, simply dont accept any new assignment for a self-imposed break from work. Pack your bags and slip to your favorite destination with your family or friends. 美联英语: HYPERLINK E:\\ 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接: HYPERLINK /?tid=16-73374-0 /?tid=16-73374-0


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