侯荣强 《假如给我三天光明》英文演讲ppt(140802.ppt

侯荣强 《假如给我三天光明》英文演讲ppt(140802.ppt

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侯荣强 《假如给我三天光明》英文演讲ppt(140802

《假如给我三天光明》讲述的是一位叫做海伦的聋、哑、盲女孩成长的经历。整本书分为五章,第一章“张开心灵的眼睛”简要介绍了海伦在家庭教师到来前所度过的一段时光。第二章“信心与希望”主要讲了读柏金斯盲人学校到哈佛大学的一段历程。第三章“走出黑暗与寂静”介绍海伦毕业后的生活状况以及学习说话的过程。第四章“春风化雨——莎莉文老师的故事”讲述了海伦老师的背景及照顾海伦的艰辛。第五章“假如给我三天光明”则与题目对照,讲述如果给海伦三天光明,她会怎样做。 Three days to see is about the experience of a called Helens deafness, dumb, blind girl growth. The whole book is divided into five chapters: The first chapter is open the minds eye briefly introduces Helen spent in the family teachers before the arrival of the time. The second chapter faith and hope is mainly about the Perkins school for the blind to read a section of history of Harvard University. The third chapter out of the darkness and silence the living conditions after graduation Helen and learning to speak. The fourth chapter story salutary influence of Education -- Sha Liwen teacher tells the story of Helen teacher Helen background and take care of the hardships. The fifth chapter if give me three days light and the problem about control, if give Helen three days light,what would she do . Thank you * * * * 1 When one door of happiness closes ,another opens ; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us . 2 Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it , we can never do anything good in the world. 3 Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement ,nothing can be done without hope and confidence. 4 When we do the best we can ,we never know what miracle is wrought in our life ,or in the life of another. 5 Although the world is full of suffering ,it is full also of the overcoming of it. When I read this book I am greatly inspirited by the story of Helen Keller. In this book, she tells us her daily life. She is bind, deaf and dumb, but she tried her best to know our world and bring light to people. By this book, she wanted to warn us that we should cherish our life and be good at discovering the miracles of life. We should hold light and love in our l



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