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摘 要 时代在飞速的发展,科技的更新更是日新月异,人们的防盗意识也在不停的提高。各种防盗报警器也应运而生,智能防盗系统也在科技的推动下取得了令不法分子望而却步的成就,但是随着我们高要求的需要,这些还是日显不足,对此现实给了我们更高的要求和解决问题的动力。 本系统利用热释电红外传感器的红外辐射与红外探测的原理,设计的新型探测器,测量范围广, 响应速度快, 灵敏度高,抗干扰能力强,安全可靠 。并采用单片机89C51作为人体探测系统的核心,以热释电红外线为数据采集部件,经过比较放大之后,输入单片机进行数据判断及处理。当检测到有被测物体进入测量范围时,系统自动发出声光报警信号,等待一段延迟时间后自动消除报警信号,并可手动解除报警信号。当有主人在家系统无需报警时,可开启楼道灯控制系统,即传感器探测到有人经过时照明灯亮,等待一段延迟时间后自动熄灭,并可手动来控制延迟时间的长短。 系统的另外一个功能是检测人数及最大容量人数控制,当探测头探测到有人经过时,系统自动计数加一,并可以通过键盘控制最大容量人数,如果探测到的人数超过最大容量人数时则发出自动报警信号,并通过LED显示检测到的人数与最大容量报警人数。最后通过试验,验证了所设计方案的可行性。 关键词: 热释电传感器; 单片机; 声光报警; 键控 Abstract With the Rapid development of the society and the scientific technology, more attention has been put upon the precautions against burglars. Therefore, a variety of anti-theft alarms have gained numerous applications for the robbery protection. However, the existing intelligent anti-theft alarm systems seem to be insufficient to meet the increasing requisitions for the severe situations. This fact gives a motivation for our design of a practical alarm system. It operates based on the infrared radiation and measurement through the pyroelectric infrared sensor. An 89C51 is introduced as the core for the anthropometric detection system and a pyroelectric infrared sensor for the data gathering. The obtained signal is processed in the 89C51 after the amplification. The designed system has the functions described as follows. In the case of the entrance of the sensitive object, a sound and light alarm will be emitted automatically. Then the alarm will close down automatically after certain time duration, or alternatively can be shut down manually. On the other hand, in the case of the presence of the owner and then no need of alarming, the corridor light-monitoring system will work, where the alarm light will turn on at the emergence of the outsider and turn off after certain time duration automatically. Also the duration time of the light can be controlled manually. Another commendable characteristic of the designed syste



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