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广东科学技术职业学院外国语学院 《旅游英语》 试卷(10) (时间:120分钟  满分:100分) 大项标题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总成绩 评卷人 得 分 Ⅰ.Match the English words or expressions with the Chinese translations(20%) 1.heritage of destination a.东道国 2.sewage system b.龙舟赛 3.tourism facilities c.刀工讲究 cultural heritage d.食用菌 5.daily government affairs e.规则所不允许的 6.quality criteria f.独特的口味 7.hotel policy g.保健温泉 8.the dragon boat contest h.政府日常事务 9.Taoist sacred place i.古代文明遗址 spa j.旅游目的地遗产 11.distinct flavors k.记名债券 12.relics of ancient civilization l.自然讲解中心 13. host country m.宾馆的规定 14.prohibited by regulations n.质量标准 15.inscribed bond o.排污系统 16.tourism know-how p.旅游设施 17.architectural wonder q.世界文化遗产 18.edible mushrooms r.道教圣地 19.nature interpretation center s.旅游知识 20.fine workmanship in cutting t.建筑奇迹 Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks according to the text:(15%) As a national park with (1)s____ scenery and great natural beauty, 30 (2)p____ above 1500m, Huangshan (3)t____ over southern Anhui Province, and (4)r____ among China’s best known scenic (5)s____ and enjoys (6)w_____ fame as well. On Huangshan, you can enjoy all the (7)b_____ of nature. But its (8)c_____ lies especially in its (9)r____ strange (10)p_____, jagged peaks, the sea of (11)c_____ and hot (12)s______-the Four (13)W_____ on the mountain. Of its (14)n______ mountain peaks, seventy-two have (15)n_____. Ⅲ. Judge the following statements with T or F(10%) 1.WTO’s membership is partly on the governmental level. 2.WTO is also entrusted to regulate the global tourist enterprises and the international tourist market. 3.WTO has five major organs, w


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