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DOI :10.13530/ j .cnki.jlis.140010
摘 要 深圳图书馆作为公共文化服务机构被列为中央编办与深圳市共抓的法人治理结构试点单位。 2007 年正式启动
试点工作,经过文献调研,制定实施方案,拟定理事会章程和配套制度草案,以及理事推选,2010 年组建了理事会。 法人
时跟进,理事会决策缺乏专业委员会支撑等。 下一步将继续完善理事会构成机制、推举机制、决策机制和监督机制,培育
理事的社会基础,推进法人治理建设。 参考文献8。
关键词 公共图书馆 管理体制 法人治理结构 理事会 深圳图书馆
分类号 G251 D9
The Experiment of Corporate Governance of ShenzhenLibrary
Xiao Rongmei
ABSTRACT Shenzhen Library is the pilot institution of corporate governance structure sponsored by State Commission Office
of Public Sectors Reform and Shenzhen municipal government. It started the pilot in 2007 and has finished literature survey e⁃
lected members of the council and developed the implementation plan the statute of the council and related draft rules. In 2010
the library board was set up and has been playing a positive role in forming a framework of separating government functions from
those of the institution and in promoting democratic governance. However some issues need to be clarified or settled the status
of corporate governance the follow⁃up of matching law and rules and the involvement of professional committees in the decision⁃
making process. The library board shall continue to improve its mechanisms of constitution election decision⁃making and super⁃
vision cultivate its social foundation provide practical instructions and put forward to corporate governance and reform. 8 refs.
KEYWORDS Public library Management system Corporate governance Board Shenzhen library.
2013 年11 月12 日,党的十八届三中全会正式 构、组建理事会将成为当前和今后一段时期文化行
通过《 中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的 政部门和公共图书馆工作的重要方向。
决定》 (以下简称《决定》 ) ,在“推进文化体制机制 中央关于事业单位法人治理结构从研究提出,
创新”部分中提出:“ 明确不同文化事业单位功能 到开始试点,已有时日,有了较长时间的理论准备、