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河海大学少数民族骨干计划考研英语真题、笔记、参考书、 大纲、录取分数线、报录比 河海大学少数民族骨干计划考研英语真题 Section IVWriting PartA 51. Directions: Writeane-mailofabout 100wordsto aforeignteacher inyourcollege, inviting him/herto beajudge for the upcoming Englishspeech contest. You should includethe details you think necessary. You should write neatlyon the ANSWER SHEET 2. Do notsignyour own nameat the end of the e-mail, Use Li Ming instead. Do notwrite the address. (10 points) Part B 52. Directions: Writeanessayof 160-200words basedonthefollowingdrawing.Inyouressay you should 1)describe the drawing briefly 2) explain its intended meaning,and 3)give your comments You should write neatlyonANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 参考答案 Section I Useof English 1.A. grants 2. D.external 3. C. picture 4. A. Forexample 5. B.fearful 6. B.on 7.A. if 8. D.test 9. D.success 10.A. chosen 11.D.otherwise 专注少数民族骨干计划考研辅导 12.C. conducted 13.B. rated 14.D.took 15.B.then 16.C. marked 17.A. before 18.C. dro 19.B. undo 20. C. necessary Section II ReadingComprehension PartA Text 1(Inthe 2006) 21. B. insensitivityto fashion 22. D.sho for their garment morefrequently 23.A. accusation 24. D. pricing isvital to environment-friendly purchasing 25. C. criticism ofthe fast-fashion industry Text 2 (Anold saying) 26. B. lowertheir operational costs 27. D. internet browserdevelopers 28. C. will not benefitconsumers 29.A. DNT may notserve its intended purpose 30. D.skepticism Text 3 (Now utopia) 31. B.our faith inscience and technology 32.A. sustained species 33. D.our immediatefuture is hardto conceive 34. C. draw on our experience from the past 35. C.the ever-bright prospectsof mankind Text 4 (Ona five to three) 36. C. overste ed the authority of federal immigration 37. C. states’ legitimate role in immigrationenforcement 38. D.stood infavor ofthe states 专注少数民族骨干计划考研辅导 39.A. outweighs that held bythe stat


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