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。摘 要 电源技术尤其是数控电源技术是一门实践性很强的工程技术,服务于各行各业。电力电子技术是电能的最佳应用技术之一。当今电源技术融合了电气、电子、系统集成、控制理论、材料等诸多学科领域。随着计算机和通讯技术发展而来的现代信息技术革命,给电力电子技术提供了广阔的发展前景,同时也给电源提出了更高的要求。关键词 Abstract Digitally controlled power supply technology, especially technology is a strong practical engineering technology, and service to all industries. Power electronics technology is the best application of energy technologies. Technology combines the power of todays electrical, electronics, systems integration, control theory, materials, and many other subject areas. With the computer and communication technologies developed from modern information technology revolution, to the power electronics technology to provide a broad development prospects, but also to set a higher power supply requirements. The DC power supply input for the exchange of 22OV, 50Hz, output voltage of 1.26V ~ 10V continuously adjustable output current of 500mA or more and be able to display visual output voltage. Power supply control circuit use AT89S51 microcontroller as the core, as well as D / A converter functions, with simple circuit, good stability, showing a clear and intuitive and so on. The article analyzes the power of the overall structure and working principle and in detail about the pre-regulator circuit, D / A converter circuit, display circuit so the circuit works. Gives the control circuit hardware implementation and the main software flow. Keywords:SCM; digital pipe; D / A converter; Regulators 目 录 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 设计任务与技术要求 2 第2章 方案的论证与设计 3 2.1 方案选择 3 2.2 方案的确定 3 2.3 方框图的设计 3 本章小结 4 第3章 单元电路设计 5 3.1 单片机电路设计 5 3.1.1 AT89S51单片机 5 3.1.2 AT89S51引脚功能 5 3.1.3 单片机在电路中应用 8 3.2 数/模转换电路设计 10 3.2.1 DAC0832芯片简介 10 3.2.2 DAC0832的主要特性参数 11 3.2.3 DAC0832结构 11 3.2.4 DAC0832的工作方式 12 3.2.5 DAC0832在电路中的应用 12 3.3 放大电路设计 13 3.3.1 LM324简介 13 3.3.2 LM324的特点 14 3.4 稳压电路设计 15 3.5 电源电路设计 16 3.6 显示电路设计 18 3.6.1 四位一体数码管(共阳)介绍 18 3.6.2 四位一体数码管管脚 18 3.6.3 驱动电路 18 本章小结 19 第4章 软件程序设计 20 4.1 程序流程图


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