8第五章节 国际货物运输.ppt

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8第五章节 国际货物运输

第五章 国际海上货物运输与保险 司法考试要点: A bill of lading is a document which serves as an evidence of the contract of carriage of goods by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier, and based on which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrendering the same. (Article 71 of China Maritime Code) Characteristics of the Bills of Lading: It is a receipt issued by or on behalf of the carrier whereby he acknowledges that he has shipped the goods or received them for shipment. It evidence the terms of the contract of carriage which is normally concluded earlier. It is a document of title. To exercise due diligence to the ship seaworthy, before and at the beginning of the voyage: seaworthiness:(适航性) make the ship seaworthy. properly man, equip and supply the ship make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers, and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation (b) Due diligence(谨慎处理) (c) before and at the beginning of the voyage (2)管货的义务 To exercise due diligence to properly and carefully loading(装载), handling(处理), stowing(积载), carrying(运输), keeping(保管), caring for(照料), and discharging (卸载)the goods carried. (3)运输的义务 2、责任期间: 舷到舷、钩到钩原则 from the time when the goods are loaded on (货物装上船)to the time they are discharged from the ship (货物卸下船) Adler Vs. Dickson (the Himalaya) [1954] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.267 “喜马拉雅条款”源于1954年,Adler与Dickson理赔案。该案中,Adler太太为喜马拉雅轮上的旅客,因舷梯掉落,摔伤。由于客票上有运送人免责条款,Adler太太只得向船长Dickson先生及水手长提起诉讼。 法院认为,虽然客送与货运一样,法律允许运送人将本身所享的免责条款以明文或默示的方式加以理解。但在本案中,该客票条款不论明文或默示,都不能体现受雇人、代理人可以享有运送人免责的权利,因此Dickson船长被判应负侵权责任。 本案判决后,“运送人免责条款应延伸保障运送人之受雇人或代理人”的条文,从此列为载货证券条款之一,加以推广;此后的代理合约、委托合约成为习惯或通行做法。 责任限制和抗辩理由的适用范围 《海牙规则》未明确规定承运人的雇佣人或代理人是否也能享受责任限制的保护。 《维斯比规则》的规定(喜马拉雅条款) Article IV Application of Defences and Limits of Liability 1. The defences and limits of liability provided for in these Rules shall apply in any action against the carrier in respect of lo


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