环境影响评价常用软件及工具汇编(Compilation of common software and tools for environmental impact assessment).doc

环境影响评价常用软件及工具汇编(Compilation of common software and tools for environmental impact assessment).doc

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环境影响评价常用软件及工具汇编(Compilation of common software and tools for environmental impact assessment)

环境影响评价常用软件及工具汇编(Compilation of common software and tools for environmental impact assessment) Environmental impact assessment software and tools commonly compiled.Txt I am an angel, can not go back to heaven because of weight reasons. Pretend to be someone else, I have to pretend to be experienced. She is like hanging QQ, coaxing her for 2 hours every day, and soon she will be able to catch the sun. Environmental impact assessment is a multi-disciplinary work, and it is only one or several environmental impact assessment reports that are presented to the owners in the light of difficult engineering analysis, impact prediction and comprehensive evaluation. In the computer age, how to make this report more beautiful and more professional, we need to rely on the support of various software. Below I combined my own experience, to introduce to your colleagues, in the EIA work, we may use and can greatly help us to report to do more professional some related software. First choice: the best choice for similar applications. Alternate preferred option. Or, theres no best first choice for a similar use. Recommend: use this software, can make work more convenient. Reference: know better than not know:) 1. text editing classes 1.1. preferred: WORD 2003 Typing is our basic lesson. I often claim that I am an honorable typist. WORD estimates that no one will not, but not much that is good. Dont know how many people have not used the note, cross reference and section, style and format, revision, merger document and so on is very useful, and can greatly improve the efficiency of the manuscript edit function. Do not expand here, there will not, and more pondering it. In addition, we recommend that you upgrade to version 2003, because the 2003 version has a graphics compression function, can make large graphics compression based on print quality requirements, always see dozens of M WORD documents, the use of image compression, rarely more than 10M of the document. 1.2. alternatives:


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