现代企业核心竞争工具――语言使用(The core competitive tool of modern enterprises -- language use).doc

现代企业核心竞争工具――语言使用(The core competitive tool of modern enterprises -- language use).doc

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现代企业核心竞争工具――语言使用(The core competitive tool of modern enterprises -- language use)

现代企业核心竞争工具――语言使用(The core competitive tool of modern enterprises -- language use) Language is a tool for opening the heart. Language is the tool of achievement. Wonderful language and ingenious ways have changed and are still affecting human life. The competition of modern enterprises is very fierce, and the rational and appropriate use of language is tantamount to enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises. This paper introduces the importance of language to the enterprise from the real history, and expounds the meaning, function, scope of use, criterion and effect of the language in the enterprise. Can use the language to grasp the language of business, clever enterprise, will dominate in the economic and social enterprise. An example of one or two languages During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the hegemony of princes came into being. At the end of the Warring States Qin is the most powerful, poses a great threat to the Xiaoshan mountains east of Qi, Chu Yan Han, Zhao Hewei six. In order to safeguard the weak Yan countrys security, he lobbied the six states of Shandong. The six countries reached a joint agreement, Su longitudinal length, and served as a six phase. After fifteen years, did not dare to attempt to Hangu Guan Chi attack. This classmate friend Zhang Yi focused on a vertical strategy to horizontal operation, the six countries to lobby Qin, break up the union, which laid the foundation for the later Qin Dynasty unified the world, six. When this period of history, that aspect of the operation at the same time, all the people were impressed by the Su Zhang Yi debate style. They talk about the international situation, lobbying nations, the advantages and disadvantages of the use of language, directly affects the survival of the situation and the state of war. Lets look back at the negotiation process of Chinas accession to the WTO. Chinese is one of the founding members of the GATT was founded in 1947. After the founding


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