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(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 毕业设计中文摘要 直方图与索贝尔算子相结合的MR图像肿瘤边缘检测方法的研究在有噪声背景的图像中确定出目标的边界本主要研究边缘检测 索贝尔算子 直方图 毕业设计外文摘要 Title The Study of Combining Histogram and Sobel Operator for The Tumor Edge Detection Method in MR Images Abstract Edge detection is one of the key technology of medical image processing, which is a large class of boundary-based image segmentation method. Edge Detection is basic method of image processing, image analysis, pattern recognition, computer vision and vision. The purpose of edge detection is to identify the obvious point of brightness variations in digital image. Edge detection of medical images is the purpose of determining the boundaries of the target in the background of the image with noise, detecting the boundaries of different organizations of medical images, which can improve the clinical diagnosis level and reduce the rate of misdiagnosis. Determination of the boundary image analysis, understanding and identifying. The paper mainly studies detecting the tumor edge of MR image, which uses Sobel operator combined with Histogram. Sobel operator is first-order differential operator, which provide a relatively accurate edge direction information. But the effect is poor for the more complex texture image. Sobel operator combined with Histogram is used in this paper detecting MR image of the tumor edge to explore the edge detection effect. Keywords:MR image edge detection sobel operator 目 次 1 引言……………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 医学图像处理的应用背景及意义在图像处理中的应用的及直方图与索贝尔算子相结合的图像边缘检测与索贝尔算子相结合的图像边缘检测Matlab程序实现和结果 1 引言 1.1 医学图像处理的应用背景及意义 图像处理最早出现于20世纪50年代,当时电子计算机已经发展到一定水平,人们开始利用计算机来处理图形和图像信息。图像处理作为一门学科约形成于20世纪60年代初期。早期的图像处理目的是改善图像的质量,以人为对象,以改善人的视觉效果为目的输入的是质量低的图像,输出的是改善质量后的图像常用的图像处理方法有图像增强、复原、编码、压缩等。图像处理的产生和迅速发展受三个因素的影响:一是计算机的发展二是数学的发展(特别是离散数学理论的创立和完善);三是农牧业、林业、环境、军事、工业和医学等方面的应用需求的增长。医学图像已成为临床诊断、病理分析及治疗的重要依据和手段图像处理(Image Processing)用计算机对图像进行分析,以达到所需结果的技术[。在一个图像系统中,图像的获取、发送、传输、接收、输出、复制等环节都会产生干扰,图像质量[如何对这些“降质”图像进


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