身边朋友对你的印象(99.9%说对了)我是e。。卧槽果然好准!太(My friends impression of you (99.9% is right) Im e.. The sink is sure to be fine, too).doc

身边朋友对你的印象(99.9%说对了)我是e。。卧槽果然好准!太(My friends impression of you (99.9% is right) Im e.. The sink is sure to be fine, too).doc

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身边朋友对你的印象(99.9%说对了)我是e。。卧槽果然好准!太(My friends impression of you (99.9% is right) Im e.. The sink is sure to be fine, too)

身边朋友对你的印象(99.9%说对了)我是e。。卧槽果然好准!太(My friends impression of you (99.9% is right) Im e.. The sink is sure to be fine, too) 1. do you have the habit of eating breakfast? ~~2 No ~~3 2. have you ever had a pet? ~~7 No ~~3 3. do you have any work experience? ~~7 No ~~4 4. do you have good motor cells? ~~8 No ~~5 5. are you losing weight now? Is ~~9 Not ~~6 6. do you think you must eat snacks when you go to the movies? Is ~~9 Not ~~10 7. do you think there have been aliens on the earth? ~~8 No ~~11 8. have you ever had a lot of relationships? Its ~~12 Not ~~9 9. do you rarely read comic books? Its ~~13 Not ~~10 10. youll stop singing at KTV Its ~~13 Not ~~14 11. do you like sandwiches? Like ~~14 I dont like ~~12 12., you will create different dishes? Meeting ~~15 No, ~~13 13. you are good at drawing illustrations Its ~~A Its not ~~B 14. do you like plaid? I like ~~C I dont like ~~D 15. do you want to go abroad to school? Its ~~E Its not F 16. have you ever been to a star rally? There is a ~~G type No ~~H type Type A person ~! Whether acquaintances or strangers, you will take the initiative to talk with each other, you give people the feeling is very lively and very and not abrupt, so you dont hate, the first impression you give good, your thinking is too active, so there was a lot of friends, but did not know the heart. You are too naughty, and seemingly everyone can meet for dinner, go shopping, do some intimate things, it will make you a real good friend and you wonder what kind of friendship, the other may be identified with your close degree, and if the other party is not the expression of love, this emotion more and more, to the end can not load, broke out, but you might get hurt. So pay attention to your performance. You should have a clear attitude towards friendship or other feelings, so that there will be no unnecessary misunderstanding and regret. Type B person ~! Where you are, there must be laughter, you are kind-hearted, naughty, headstrong, overbearing and int


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