躲灾避祸(Hide a disaster).doc

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躲灾避祸(Hide a disaster)

躲灾避祸(Hide a disaster) Hide a disaster to teach you 9 ways to resolve Home Furnishing terrorist 1. sharp evil Feng Shui The door of the house has a sharp corner. The health of family members will be greatly affected, for some chronic diseases, especially pain and bleeding disorder, prone to recurrent, causing sprains, wounds like injury. Solution: put a lion bite in the window. 2. hearts Refers to the residential face formed lamp posts or poles of evil spirits, the owner easily tempered, not easy to communicate, and prone to vision loss or sworn revenge. Solution: put the coins will be white. 3. open ones mouth Residential doors facing the elevator on the open mouth. Cause bad, keep money, family members are likely to get sick the opposite effect, and easy to get sworn revenge. Solution: put a lion bite sword, with silver tips, or placed a pair of bronze lions bite or sword day beast. 4. days to behead Residential door facing two buildings in the middle of the crack, is a day off. Effect of day cut evil is extremely strong, easy to dispute between House members, to have sworn revenge is susceptible, or need surgery disease. If it is shop, wealth is not prosperous. Solution: put the dragon or two string silver tips to resolve 5. reflective brake The traditional reflex refers to the house near the sea, the water will be reflected into the house by sunlight, which will make the brain dull, the spirit is not concentrated. Reflective evil in the modern sense is in the commercial center near the glass curtain wall by light after reflection to their place of residence, will make people have sworn revenge or collision injury. Solution: use the mirror or gossip to resolve on kylin. 6. through Shashi In the subway or tunnel on the cover of the house, is guilty of piercing evil, driving through the housing from below, its influence is: low rise residential unit house instability, poor finances, and residents health and less prone to sworn revenge. Solution: put the copper gourd


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