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汽  车  工  程 ( ) ( ) 20 10年 第 32卷 第 3期 Au tomotive Engineering 2010 Vo l. 32 No. 3 20 10039 Kalm an算法在纯电动汽车 SOC 估算中的应用误差分析 温家鹏 ,姜久春 ,文  锋 ,张维戈 (北京交通大学电气工程学院 ,北京  100044 ) [摘要 ]  针对纯电动汽车电池组的工作状态和输出特性 ,分析了模型参数的变化对 Kalm an 算法估算精度的 影响 。指出了纯电动汽车应用 Kalm an滤波算法估算 SOC应考虑的因素 ,并结合电池模型参数的变化提出了 Kal m an方程修正方案 。最后通过电池的城市工况模拟试验 ,验证了分析的正确和可行性 。 关键词 :纯电动汽车; Ka lm an 滤波算法; 电池组; SO C 估算;模型参数 Error A nalysis of Kalm an A lgorithm in Its App lication to SOC E stim ation in PEV W en J iapeng, J iang J iuchun, W en Feng Zhang W e ige S chool of E lectrica l E ng ineering, B eij ing J iaotong Un iversity, B eij ing  100044 [ A b stract]  B a sed on the op erating condition s and ou tp u t characteristic s of battery p ack in p u re electric veh i cle ( PEV ) , the effects of model p aram eters variation on the e stim ation accu racy of Kalm an filter algorithm are ana lyzed. The factors that shou ld be con sidered in app lying Kalm an filter algorithm to SOC e stim ation are po in ted ou t, and the correction schem e s of Kalm an equation s accord ing to the change s in battery model p aram eters are p ropo sed. F inally the sim u lation te st w ith FUD S cycle verifie s the correctne ss and fea sib ility of the analyse s. Keywords: PEV; Ka lm an f ilter a lgor ithm ; ba ttery pack; SOC e stim a tion; m odel param eters 反馈量的滤波算法 ,可极大提高蓄电池组 SOC 的估 前言


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