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第16 卷 第4 期 运 筹 与  管 理 Vol.16, N o.4 2007 年8 月 OPERAT IONS RESEA RCH A ND MA NAGEMENT SCIENCE Aug .2007     董 乐 (, 100084)  :? 。 , 2000 1 2005 3 , 4 , 4 4 , 30 、60 、90 、180 360 。 , , 。 , , 。 , 。 :;;;; :F830.9 1   :A    :1007-322 1(2007)04-0079-10 Liquidity Premium in China Int erbank Bond Market DONG L (School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University , Beij ing 100084, China) Abst ract :Liquidity is on of th most notabl charact ristics in China int rbank bond mark t .Using clus- t r analy sis w ith high fr qu ncy data b tw n Jan.2000 and M ar.2005, this pap r finds four dir ctions of co-mov m nt b tw n various liquidity m asur m nts, thus mak s th m th ind x s of liquidity.In th following chapt r, th r lationship b tw n holding p riod r turn and liquidity is inv stigat d.W find that th pric impact is significant with a right sign in short p riod.Wh n holding p riod xt nd d to a half y ar, both pric impact and th numb r of quot s giv an opposit sign, w hich m ans th hold- ing p riod r turn b com s bigg r w ith liquidity incr as s.This indicat s w pay a high r pric for thos that do not d s rv . Key words:financ ;liquidity pr mium;clust r analy sis;bond mark t ;int rbank 0  , , 。, 。 。, (pric impact )。。 “”, 。, 、, (Campb ll :2007-02-26 :国家自然科学基金资助项目(70440420490) :董乐, 男, 博士生。 80 运  筹  与  管  理             2007 年第16 卷 [1] )。, 。 , 。 ① (liquidity pr mium )。 , , 。 , “AAA”, :(bp), , 。, 。, ② , 。, , , , 。 , () 。 :, ?, , “”? “”? 。 “”, , 4 (co-mov m nt ), , 。。 1  A mihud M nd lson[2] , 1986


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