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专注环保二十年 20 Years Concentration on Environment Protection 节约成本=盈利 Cost Reduction= Profit VOC是什么? What means VOC ? VOC=易挥发的有机化合物 VOC = Volatile Organic Compounds VOC具体是指在标准大气压101.3kPa下初沸点小于或等于250℃且能对视觉感官 产生刺激危害的有机化合物。 A VOC is any organic compound having an initial boiling point less than or equal to 250 °C measured at a standard atmospheric pressure of 101.3 kPa and can do damage to visual or audible senses. VOC成分对健康的影响 Health Consequences of VOC’s VOC会对健康产生不良影响,由于VOC一般以气态存在,所以对有毒害性VOC气体的 处理与不易挥发的混合物相比更加困难。人体可能通过接触或食用摄入固态或液态有 VOC成分的物质,或者吸入的气体接触到VOC 。 As organic chemicals, VOC may have health consequences. Because they tend toward the gaseous state, management of toxic VOCs is more difficult than with non-volatile compounds. Human exposure to VOCs can be through contact with the solid, liquid, or gaseous forms, inhalation of the gaseous form, or ingestion of the liquid form or solutions containing the VOC. VOC气体由何而来? Where get VOC’s emitted ? 自然情况下,VOC通过生物有机体例如新陈代谢化学反应产生。 Volatile Organic Compounds are produced naturally through biological mechanisms such as metabolism - a set of chemical reactions. 工业生产中使用的化石燃料,有些在燃烧过程中直接产生VOC气体 (例如汽油)或间接的由生产出来的产品产生VOC气体(例如汽车 制造业的喷漆烘烤挥发出的废气)。 Industrial use of fossil fuels produces VOCs either directly as products (e.g. gasoline) or indirectly as byproducts (e.g. automobile exhaust). We are specialized in 我们主要做什么? 我们专业处理工业生产各环节间接产生的各种VOC气体。 We are specialize in treating VOC’s which are created indirectly by various processes 我们的目标 Our Goal 将处理净化VOC气体的能耗成本降至最低, 同时为彻底降低生产环节中VOC 的排放浓 度而不懈努力。 is it to minimize the need of fuels for the operation of the VOC-Abatements and to achieve an almost 100% reduction of the VOC’s coming form the various production- processes. 哪些行业需要VOC节排设备? Who needs VOC-Abatement-System? 几乎所有的工业领域都需要使用VOC节排设备 Almost all industries have the n


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