《三国演义》遗言(The last words of the romance of the Three Kingdoms).doc

《三国演义》遗言(The last words of the romance of the Three Kingdoms).doc

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《三国演义》遗言(The last words of the romance of the Three Kingdoms)

《三国演义》遗言(The last words of the romance of the Three Kingdoms) Ten classics in the romance of the Three Kingdoms One of the most funny words: where is my son Fengxian? Shouted these words, Dong Zhuo is full of iniquities. At that time, Dong Zhuo controlled the court, with the ruling and opposition parties, the vicious, the killing of innocent people, in addition to the thought to have hated by both man and God, fast. Stuart Wang Yun design, sent to Dong Zhuo to abdicate the throne and he hanxiandi hypothesis. After Dong Zhuo listens overjoyed, happy head, immediately from the lair of the dock to Montfermeil, Beijing was happy and gay. After entering the palace, Dong Zhuo found in Wang Yunbus ambush, suddenly feeling something immediately to his son and captain Lv Bu shouted out the words: where is my son Fengxian? He did not expect that, Lv Bu has already been made use of Wang Yun beauty Diao Chan alienate and successfully instigation, and has become an important force to ambush him. No call for help, but called the killer. When Dong Zhuo shouted these words, Lv Bu shouted imperial thief, then waved his halberd weapon famous day painting to stab his throat. Dong Zhuo on his deathbed, will use a hand is bubbling blood in the neck, another hand towards Lv Bu, with his eyes staring at him, seemed to be asking what are you doing! Laughable, not willing to give up a woman, but lost his life, dying still left such a funny words. Two, the most foolish words: who dares to kill me? Wei Yanbi counter, this is Zhu Geliangs life has been asserted, as expected, Zhu Geliang just died, Wei began to pull pole rebellion. Wei Yans martial arts high, generally not easy to beat, so deal with Wei Yan, only to outsmart, not storm. At this point, Zhu Geliang had considered it at the time of his death. When Wei Yan and Zhu Geliangs successor Jiang Wei Yang Yi in his confrontation, according to Zhu Geliangs left bowel Wei Yan is not dare to shout three times: who dare to kill me. At this tim


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