《大力发展河南物流业__助力中原经济区建设》(Vigorously develop the construction of the logistics industry in Henan __ power Zhongyuan economic zone).doc

《大力发展河南物流业__助力中原经济区建设》(Vigorously develop the construction of the logistics industry in Henan __ power Zhongyuan economic zone).doc

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《大力发展河南物流业__助力中原经济区建设》(Vigorously develop the construction of the logistics industry in Henan __ power Zhongyuan economic zone)

《大力发展河南物流业__助力中原经济区建设》(Vigorously develop the construction of the logistics industry in Henan __ power Zhongyuan economic zone) Vigorously develop the logistics industry in Henan and help the construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone The logistics industry is in good shape and Henan has great prospects The logistics industry, as a new industry related to the national economy and the peoples livelihood, has been paid more and more attention by the government and the country. Especially in the two sessions, the logistics industry was formally written into the 12th Five-Year plan, and successfully caught the last bus of industrial revitalization. From March 2009 the logistics industry restructuring and revitalization plan issued in March 2011, trade logistics development planning officially released, to June 2011 the State Council executive meeting logistics eight introduction. We can foresee that the logistics industry is about to usher in the true spring of its development history. Facing the excellent situation of our countrys logistics, our province has paid special attention to the development of the logistics industry. As an important force in the rise of central China, Henan, as an important economic growth pole in the country, has advantageous factors, such as developing modern logistics industry, favorable geographical advantages and social environment. First of all, our province has excellent transportation location and abundant logistics infrastructure, which is the material base for Henan to develop modern logistics industry. Henan province has prominent regional advantages and good traffic conditions, and a three-dimensional modern transportation network has taken shape. Especially as Henan logistics center of Zhengzhou City, superior location and rich resources, make it become an important center of the city Chinese important transportation and communication hub, a famous commercial city, the history of the World Urban League City and the new Euras


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