《审计专业相关知识》第一章(Chapter 1 of the relevant knowledge of auditing profession).doc

《审计专业相关知识》第一章(Chapter 1 of the relevant knowledge of auditing profession).doc

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《审计专业相关知识》第一章(Chapter 1 of the relevant knowledge of auditing profession)

《审计专业相关知识》第一章(Chapter 1 of the relevant knowledge of auditing profession) In the high school The object of Macroeconomics Chapter 1 Introduction [outline requirements] 1, market failure and government interference Master the performance of market failure and its influence on the allocation of economic resources; familiar with government intervention; familiar with the main stage of the government intervention in the economy (primary - understanding); understanding of macro economics and research object 2. National income accounting Grasp the total demand and meaning; to master the 6 concept of national income accounting and the relationship between the GDP and GDP, net national product, national income, personal income and personal disposable income; master income and national income accounting method Law of expenditure; familiar with the equation of savings and investment 3, macroeconomic policy objectives Grasp the four objectives of macroeconomic policy: price stability, full employment, economic growth and balance of payments [emphasis] Market failure performance, government intervention means, 6 concepts, meaning and their relationship; income accounting and expenditure law of national income accounting; macroeconomic policy objectives [difficulty] Market failure performance; income accounting; income law and expenditure law; [teaching materials] no change Market failure and government interference (1) research objects of Macroeconomics (P3-4); Mark the birth of macro economics published in 1936: Britains Keynes employment, interest and money (referred to as the general theory). Keyness policy proposition is that the state / government intervenes in the economy 2, the research object of Macroeconomics The object of study is economic activity in the whole society (microeconomics takes the economic behavior of a single economic entity as the object of study and the basis of macroeconomics). Specific research contents include economic aggregate, employment and pri


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