《市场调查与预测》复习题及答案(Review and answers to market research and prediction).doc

《市场调查与预测》复习题及答案(Review and answers to market research and prediction).doc

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《市场调查与预测》复习题及答案(Review and answers to market research and prediction)

《市场调查与预测》复习题及答案(Review and answers to market research and prediction) Review and answers to market research and prediction First, the multiple-choice question 1, on the significance of market research, the statement is not correct. A. provides the basis for enterprise decision making B. helps companies open up new markets C. wins competitive advantage for enterprise D. directly determines the managers salary 2, literature research belongs to the following survey design. A. exploration B. description C. causality D. correlation 3. Which of the following is not a macro survey of the market?. A. political environment B. geography and climate C. economic environment D. market demand 4. The market forecast index of low prediction error is (). A. mean error B. mean absolute error C. mean square error D. standard error 5, refers to the initiative to find visitors and visitors in common, so as to approach each other. A. close to the same B.. C. roundabout approach D. natural approach 6, the key to the success of the experimental investigation is. A. presents the research hypothesis B. scientific and rational experimental design C. selects the subjects D. determines the experimental method 7, the characteristics of a sampling survey do not include. 1, A. economy B. inefficient C. flexible D. operability is strong 8, the function of the guide language in the questionnaire does not include. A. builds rapport with the subjects B. gets information about the respondents C. eliminates concerns about respondents D. concisely stated the specific requirements of the answer 9, the problem of preparing for contact and mutual understanding is (). A. contact problem B. substantive issues C. correction problem D. supplementary questions 10, the characteristics of market research do not include. A. systematicness B. purpose C. sociality D. stability 11. Which of the following does not fall into the micro sector of the market?. A. market demand B. consumer motivation C. marketing activities


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