《市场调查与预测》模拟试题(二)(Market research and forecast simulation test questions (two)).doc

《市场调查与预测》模拟试题(二)(Market research and forecast simulation test questions (two)).doc

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《市场调查与预测》模拟试题(二)(Market research and forecast simulation test questions (two))

《市场调查与预测》模拟试题(二)(Market research and forecast simulation test questions (two)) Market research and forecast simulation test questions (two) Course Name: __ market survey and Forecast: the closed book examination form Learning Center: _________ examination time: 90 minutes Name: _____________ id: First, fill in the blanks (1 points per minute, 30 points) 1. market research is the process of systematically communicating and reporting market information and data relating to marketing decisions and communicating the results of analysis to managers 2. market research programs include defining issues, identifying and developing survey plans, selection, sampling design, collection and analysis of data, reporting results, etc.. 3. refers to the survey according to the purpose of the survey, the overall survey (all the respondents), is a sampling method taken from the general survey of the most basic respondents. 4. is exhaustive investigation of the overall information and its characteristics. A specialized investigative activity that draws out a portion of the elements from the survey as a sample, surveys the sample, and infers the general characteristics based on the conclusions drawn from the sampling. 5. according to the opportunity for each individual to enter the sample, the sampling is divided into . The 6. is the first to investigate all the individual overall according to some criteria for classifying (Group), then (a group) in all kinds of sampling methods in using simple random sampling or random sampling were individual system. The 7. refers to the results of the survey and the actual situation in and out of the difference. 8. field investigations include observation, inquiry, and. 9. qualified and excellent 19 is a key factor in the success of the focus group forum. 10. the form of inquiry method mainly includes interview investigation, telephone survey, lien questionnaire and. 11. refers to the purpose of the investigation, using some analysis methods, through


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