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丙烯腈丙烯腈丙烯腈丙烯腈丙烯腈丙烯腈, RENG Xiaoming1, WANG Yuan1, XIA Jianwei2, JIANG Nishan1 (1 Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou Jiangsu,215011;2Suzhou Environmental Emergency and Accident Investigation Center, Suzhou Jiangsu,215002) Abstract:Industry, pharmaceutical industry. But it is highly toxic compounds and also volatile. Leaking and fire often takes place in the Storage tank. The Acrylonitrile leaking turning into evaporation gas will become a serious atmospheric pollution accident. To analyze the harmful consequences of such environmental incidents, calculating the amount of leakage accident, evaporation and damage range is very necessary. It is assumed that a company in Suzhou High-tech Zone with acrylonitrile in storage tanks leaked into the environment.Mathlab is used to calculate the hazard range and make a quantitative simulation. The research supplies a scientific basis of emergency treatment and decision-making for a sudden leakage of acrylonitrile storage tanks. Key words: Acrylonitrile; Suzhou High-tech Zone; leakage; Mathlab; Hazard range 1 前言 丙烯腈是无色液体丙烯腈丙烯腈丙烯腈丙烯腈丙烯腈表 Table 1 α、n of different Atmospheric stability 大气稳定状况 N α 不稳定(A~B) 0.2 3.846×10-3 中性(D) 0.25 4.685×10-3 稳定(E~F) 0.3 5.285×10-3 2.2丙烯腈丙烯腈表丙烯腈 Table 2 Calculationg of the Evaporation velocity of acrylonitrile in A company 物质分子量 M(kg/mol) 环境温度 T0(K) 贮罐容积(m3) 围堰高度(m) 液池半径(m) 蒸发速率 (kg/s) 0.053 290 30 0.2 6.79 0.105 3 危害范围计算 3.1高斯多烟团模式简介 根据物质泄漏的突发性、有毒蒸气扩散的移动性特点,评价采用多烟团叠加模式来预测下风向落地浓度。即将△t时间内排放的污染物看成是一个瞬时烟团,其排放量为θi·△t=θ,为了求得连续源在下风向的落地浓度,可以把T时段内连续排放造成的下风向落地浓度看做若干个△t时间的瞬时烟囱在该点造成的浓度叠加。计算下风向落地浓度的多烟团模式为: 式中:θi表示第i个烟团的质量(mg);Ci(x,t-ti0)表示t时刻i烟团在下风向x米处的浓度(mg/m3);σx、σy、σz表示烟团在x、y和z方向扩散参数(m);t-ti0表示烟团运行的时间(s);ti0表示第i个烟团释放开始时刻(s);n表示释放烟团个数;U表示烟团排放高度处的平均风速(m/s);H表示有效排放高度(m)。 3.2 matlab在A企业丙烯腈丙烯腈表 Table 3 The results of the hazard scope 计算时间 (s) 最大落地浓度 (mg/m3) 浓度最大点位置 (m) 危害范围 (m) 600 624.2924 80 1012800 780 6.9708 760 1422200 960 2.0637 1480 1762400 1140 1.0147 2200 1679500 3.3 风险评价 由表3结果


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