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浙江大学2007-2008学年冬季学期 《Physics(Ⅱ)》课程期末考试试卷 开课学院:理学院 考试形式:闭卷,允许带计算器、纸质词典入场 考试时间:2008年 1月24日 所需时间120分钟 姓名 专业 学号 任课教师 题 序 填空 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 得 分 评卷人 Planck constant h=6.63(10-34J(s Charge of an electron e=1.6(10-19C Permittivity constant (0=8.85(10-12C2/(N(m2) Electronic volt 1eV=1.6( 10-19J Permeability constant (0=4((10-7H/m Mass of a Hydrogen atom m=1.67( 10-27kg Ⅰ. Multiple choices (there is one correct answer only): Two point charges are on the x axis; Q is at x= -a and 2Q is at x=+a. Where E is 0 between Q and 2Q, ; B. ; C. ; D. Two solid metal spheres of different radii are far apart. The spheres are connected by a fine metal wire. Some charge is placed on one of the spheres. After electrostatic equilibrium is reached, the wire is removed. Which of these quantities will be the same for the two spheres? The charge on each sphere The electric field inside each sphere, at the same distance from the center of the spheres. The electric field just outside the surface of each sphere The electric potential at the surface of each sphere toward Q Both A and C Both B and D A parallel plate capacitor whose capacitance C is 13.5pF has a potential difference ΔV=12.5V across its plates. The charging battery is now disconnected and a porcelain(瓷的) slab (κe=6.5) is slipped between the plates. What is the stored energy of unit, after the slab is introduced? 2100pJ.. 1055pJ. 893pJ. 165pJ. 81pJ Suppose the switch in the Figure has been closed for a long time but is suddenly opened at t=t0. Which of these graphs best represents the current in coil 2 as a function of time? I2 is positive if it flows from A to B through the resistor. A. B. C. D. E. F. A parallel plate capacitor is charging. The current i is increasing. The direction of the displacement current is: Downward. Upward. Clockwise viewed from top. Counterclockwise viewed from top. 6. In two-


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