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The English Speech Contest of Middle School LiChun: Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the English Speech Contest! Li: I’m Li from Class3, Grade8. I’m very happy to be the hostess. Thanks for your coming. Chun: I’m Chun . I’m also very glad to be here. This is the final of grade 7 and grade 8. Li: Ok, now let me introduce our leaders and guests. They are __________________________. Chun: 今天,我们在这儿举行英语口语大赛校级决赛。我们有幸请到了______________________________________________________________________。 Li: Let’s give them a warm welcome. Chun: 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来! Chun: Now, let’s warmly welcome our headteacher, Mr.Q to give us a short speech. Li: 下面欢迎我们的校长给我们讲话。 ---------------- 校长讲话 --------------- Li: Thanks for Mr.Q’s speech. And now I think it’s better for me to introduce the rules for the contest. In today’s contest. There are two groups-Group7 and Group8. There are 23 contestants in all. They are coming from different classes of different grades. During the contest, for each student, you’ll have 3 minutes to give your speech. And after your speech, one of our judges will ask you some questions. You’d better give out your own understanding or ideas about them. Chun: 下面介绍一下大赛规则。本次大赛分七年级组和八年级组。进入决赛的共有20名选手。每名选手有3分钟的时间进行自命题演讲,然后大赛评委将根据你的演讲内容进行提问,请选手给出你自己的回答。 Li:For each contestant, the full mark is 100 points. The part of speech is 80 points and the question part is 20 points. Chun: 每名选手满分为100分。自命题演讲部分80分,即兴问答部分20分。 Li:Ok, let’s begin our contest. First, Let’s warmly welcome contestant No.1 。 Her topic is Smile and contestant No.2, please, get ready. Chun:首先掌声有请一号选手。他演讲的题目是 Smile . 二号选手请做好准备。 ---------------- Contestant No. 1 --------------- Chun:Thanks for Contestant No. 1’s speech. Next, Welcome Contestant No, 2 。 Her topic is “Mr. Irvine”. Contestant No. 3, get ready, please. Li: 谢谢一号的精彩演讲。下面掌声有请二号选手。三号选手请做好准备。 ---------------- Contestant No. 2 --------------- Li:Wonderful! Thanks for Contestant No. 2’s speech. Next, Welcome Contest


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