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《Frozen Heart》 8 结合着寒冷和冬天空气还有山雨它诞生了 Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining 9 冰的力量正义又邪恶 This icy force both foul and fair 10 有个冻结的心值得挖掘 Has a frozen heart worth mining 11 就切穿心脏,冷又清 So cut through the heart, Cold and Clear. 12 打击爱也打击恐惧 Strike for love And Strike for fear 13 看见锋利纯粹的美 See the beauty Sharp and Sheer 14 把冰切分开 Split the ice apart 15 然后摧毁冻结的心 And break the frozen heart 16 注意脚下,随它吧 Watch your step! Let it go! 17 注意脚下,随它吧 Watch your step! Let it go! 18 美丽!强大! Beautiful! Powerful! 19 危险!冷! Dangerous! Cold! 20 冰拥有魔法不能被控制 Ice has a magic Cant be controlled 21 比一个人强,比十个人强 Stronger than one, Stronger than ten 22 比一百人也强 Stronger than a hundred men! 23 结合着寒冷和冬天空气还有山雨它诞生了 Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining 24 冰的力量正义又邪恶 This icy force both Foul and Fair 25 有个冻结的心值得挖掘 Has a frozen heart worth mining 26 切穿心脏,冷又清 Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear 27 打击爱也打击恐惧 Strike for love and strike for fear 28 那里有美丽也危险 Theres beauty and theres Danger here 29 把冰切分开 Split the ice apart! 30 小心冻结的心 Beware the frozen heart 31 加油Sven! Come on, Sven! 32 Elsa. Psst (psst为外国人的叫人习惯) 33 Elsa! 34 醒醒 醒醒 醒醒 Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! 35 Anna,回去睡觉 Anna, go back to sleep. 36 我睡不着,天还醒着,所以我也醒着 I just cant. The sky is awake, so Im awake. 37 所以我们去玩吧 So, we have to play. 38 自己玩去吧 Go play by yourself. 39 你想不想堆个雪人? Do you want to build a snowman? 40 快,快,快来,快来! Come on, come on, come on, come on! 41 使用魔法,使用魔法 Do the magic! Do the magic! 42 准备好了吗? Ready? Uh-huh. 43 这好惊艳啊 This is amazing! 44 看这个! Watch this! 45 Hi,我是Olaf,我喜欢温暖的拥抱! Hi, Im Olaf and I like warm hugs. 46 我爱你,Olaf I love you, Olaf! 47 坚持住 Hang on! 48 接住我 Catch me! 49 接住啦 Gotcha! 50 再来一次 Again! 51 等下 Wait! 52 慢一点 Slow down! 53 Anna! 54 Anna! 55 妈妈!爸爸! Mama! Papa! 56 不 不 No, no... 57 你没事的Anna,我陪着你 Youre okay, Anna. I got you. 58 Elsa,你都干了些什么?这是失控了吧 Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand! 59 这是个意外,对不起 Anna It was an accident. Im sorry, Anna! 60 - 她像冰一样凉 - 我知道我们该去哪 Shes ice cold. - I know where


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