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3 伙计们 沙尘暴即将来临 我们身处险境 Gentlemen, we are in danger. There is a storm coming. 4 这风让人毛骨悚然 我们需要离开 My men are terrified. We must leave. 5 我有预感古墓就在附近 That tomb is here somewhere. I can feel it. 6 罗伯特 放弃吧 我们已经找了两个月! Please, Robert, its been two months! 7 阿奇 我不会放弃的! Archie, Im not stopping! 8 爸爸! Dad! 9 风为什么这么大 爸? Whats going on with this wind, Pop? 10 C.J 去货车上等着 C.J, go wait in the truck. 11 我不想在车上无所事事 I dont want to just wait in the truck. 12 快上车! 风越来越大了! I said go! Windows up! 13 罗伯特! Robert! 14 - 弗雷德里克斯先生 - 怎么了? - Mr. Fredericks! - What? 15 啊! Ah! 16 救命! Help! 17 救命! Help! 18 C.J吗? C.J? 19 你还好吗? Are you all right? 20 是的 我很好! Yeah, Im fine! 21 我下来了! Im coming down! 22 太好了! Yes! 23 阿卡曼拉的古墓我找了20年 I looked for the tomb of Ahkmenrah for 20 years, 24 可你呢? and what do you do? 25 却直接掉在古墓里 You fall right into it! 26 阿米尔 把这些东西搬走 Amir, start loading the trucks. 27 弗雷德里克斯先生... Mr. Fredericks... 28 我们没时间了 There is no time. 29 沙尘暴就要来了 The storm is almost upon us. 30 那你手脚利索些 Then youd better hurry. 31 大家一起加油工作 Come on. Everybody works. 32 小子! 你想干嘛? Hey! Whats the matter with you? Huh? 33 他说我们要赶紧离开这个地方 He said, We must leave this place immediately. 34 如果谁惊扰了这座古墓... If anyone disturbs this tomb... 35 末日将会降临 the end will come. 36 末日将会降临 The end will come. 37 继续搬 We load the trucks. 38 我有预感惊扰古墓将是一个可怕的错误! I cant help feeling were making a terrible mistake! 39 这不是错误 我们正在创造历史! Were not making a mistake, were making history! 40 别担心! Dont worry! 41 C.J! 我们走! C.J! Lets go! 42 末日将降临 The end will come. 43 欢迎各位来到盛大的开幕式... Welcome, everyone, to the Grand Reopening... 44 参观面目一新的海登天文馆... of the newly renovated Hayden Planetarium... 45 这里是自然历史博物馆 here at the Museum of Natural History. 46 汇集了纽约的社会名流... New Yorks glitterati have all turned out... 47 这必将是一个难忘的夜晚... for what has promised to be a memorable evening... 48 充满了眼花缭乱的特技效果... filled with the dazzling special effects... 49 以及科技魔幻... and technical wizardry weve all come to admire from this museum... 50 当然还有它最著名的晚间节目 and its renowned Night Program


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