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ACT 阅读真题长难句 1.In days gone by, when the only entertainment in town on a Wednesday night was to go to the county courthouse to listen to a prominent politician give a theatrical tirade against Herbert Hoover, an eloquent speaker could pack the courthouse and have five thousand people lined up to the railroad tracks listening to the booming loudspeakers. 译文:在过去的岁月,对于这里的人们来说,唯一的乐趣就是在周三晚上去县政府听某位著 名的政客戏剧性地批判胡佛总统。在那样的日子里,一位口若悬河的演讲者所招来的听众可 以使得县政府水泄不通,同时使得另外5000 人排列在铁路沿线上通过刚流行起来的扩音器 收听演讲。 2. Try sometime to explain the intricacies of a program budget, which basically involves solving a grand equation composed of numerous simultaneous differential functions, to a reporter whose journalism school curriculum did not include advanced algebra, to say nothing of calculus. 译文:努力跟一个新闻系毕业的记者(其大学专业不包括高级代数,微积分)解释政府预算 项目的复杂度,这会涉及到由全微分函数构成的大公式。 3. Process and personalities, the way decisions are made and by whom, the level of perquisites, extramarital sexual relations, and in high offices, personal gossip dominate the public mind while interest in the substance of technical decisions is minimal. 译文:事件过程和人物品格,由谁作出的决定以及方式,特权的程度,婚外情,以及在政府 高层中的八卦这些都是公众关注的兴趣所在,然而却对政府决策的技术本质不感兴趣。 4. When we recognize that in the federal government, with its millions of employees, there are but five hundred and thirty-seven elected officials, put into office to carry out the will of a people who for the most part know little and care less about the technical functioning of their government, the absurdity of the notion of rapid democratic responsiveness becomes clear. 译文:当我们意识到联邦政府的情况:政府雇员有上千万,却只有537 位民选官员执行人民 的“意愿”。但是,人民对于执行情况知之甚少,甚至并不关心他们政府运作的技术层面。 因此,认为人民能够做出快速的民主响应行为的理念实为荒谬。 5. I don’t wish to deny that the flattened, minuscule head of large-bodied Stegosaurus houses little brain from our subjective, top-heavy perspective, but I do wish to assert that we should not expect more of t



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