oncermf一种效用驱动的中间件资源管理框架 oncermf a middleware resource management framework driven by utility.pdfVIP

oncermf一种效用驱动的中间件资源管理框架 oncermf a middleware resource management framework driven by utility.pdf

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oncermf一种效用驱动的中间件资源管理框架 oncermf a middleware resource management framework driven by utility

ISSN 1673-94 18 CODEN JKYTA8 E-maiI fcst@pubI JournaI of Frontiers of Computer Science and TechnoIogy http //www.ceaj .org 1673-94 18/20 10/04 02 -0 134-11 TeI +86-10 DOI 10.3778/j .issn.1673-94 18.20 10.02.005 OnceRMF :一种效用驱动的中间件资源管理框架 * 张文博 1+ ,魏 峻 1,2 1. 中国科 学院 软件研 究所 软件工程技术研发 中C,北京 100 190 2. 中国科 学院 软件研 究所 计算机科 学重点实验 室,北京 100 190 OnceRMF : A Middleware Resource Management Framework Driven by Utility* zHANG Wenbo1+ , WEI Jun1,2 1. TechnoIogy Center of Software Engineering , Institute of Software , CAS , Beijing 100 190 , China 2. State Key Laboratory of Computer Science , Institute of Software , CAS , Beijing 100 190 , China + Corresponding author : E-maiI : zhangwenbo@otcaiX. ZHANG Wenbo , WEI Jun. OnceRMF : A middleware resource management framework driven by utility. Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology , 2010 ,4(2 ):134-144. Abstract : MiddIeware resource management is a criticaI technoIogy to guarantee the performance of Web appIica tions. However , the two main views of resource management , which are system-driven and business-driven , have not been unified conceptuaIIy. Most of the middIeware resource management technoIogies focus on specific resource , and are difficuIt to come into being hoIistic resource management optimization. This paper proposes a hierarchicaI middIeware resource modeI and coordinates the system-driven and bu



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