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天然气发动机与涡轮增压器的匹配试验研究 摘要 随着全球能源危机和污染加剧,对发动机的排放性能要求和燃料种类越来越高。我国也根据自身的具体情况,逐渐对天然气发动机汽车进行研究。天然气涡轮增压发动机是高新技术产品的代表之一,天然气具有节能、低污染的天然优势、能满足日益严格的排放法规要求,同时更是当今能源危机有效的替代品。而涡轮增压技术能提高天然气发动机的燃烧效率,提高动力性,减少排放等。正是由于各种排放和噪声法规的大量出台,石油资源的逐渐枯竭和人们对涡轮增压技术的更高要求,车用天然气发动机涡轮增压技术迎来了发展的黄金时期。 本文研究的是NC4JR120柴油发动机改造的天然气发动机与可变截面涡轮增压器匹配问题。通过实验验证与NC4JR120型天然气发动机匹配的可变截面涡轮增压器的高效性与经济性。本文以恒天动力南昌有限公司研发实验室为研究平台,然后拟定了详细的试验方案,通过实验得出详实准确的试验数据。经过分析确定可变涡轮截面极佳的匹配效果。本文对增压器运行出现的喘振给出了分析,并针对如何提高增压器匹配性能提出了调整建议。 关键词:天然气发动机;增压器;匹配;试验 CNG Engine Matching with Turbocharger and its Experiment Analysis Abstract As the global energy crisis and environment pollution aggravating, requirements for engine emission and other available fuel are needed too. Our country put a great energy in vehicle engine research gradually according to our background. CNG engine is one of the most advanced technologies, which has the qualities of energy conservation, low pollution and legal to the nowadays laws and it’s a good substitute too. At the meantime, turbocharger can improve combustion efficiency, dynamic property and lower the pollution. In the history of internal combustion engine, turbocharger technology has played an important role in increasing power to weight ratio and fuel economy. So it is called the golden age of internal combustion engine. This dissertation studies the matching problem on NC4JR120 CNG engine. Based on the experiment of matching, the type of turbocharger is finally determined. Platform provided by HengTian engine Cor. before doing the experiment, some calculations about the experiment have been done. Two turbocharger types are prepared before the experiment. Then a detail experiment plan is carried out. The paper analyses the experiment data and make clear that VNT turbocharger has a better effect. The paper analyses the reason of surge phenomenon and gives some suggestions to increase the matching behavior. Key words: CNG engine; Turbocharger; Match; Experiment 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 前言 1 1.1天然气发动机的优势及


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