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吉林电子信息职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 风力发电原理及其发展前景 系 部: 电气工程学院 专业班级: 13发电2班 指导教师: 宋 宇 姓 名: 姜晓辉 摘要 风能是太阳能的一种转换形式,是一种重要的自然能源。太阳照射到地球表 面,地球表面各处受热不同,产生温差,从而引起大气的对流运动形成风。据估计到达地球的太阳能中虽然只有大约2%转化为风能,但其总量仍是十分可观的。全球的风能约为2.74×109MW,其中可利用的风能为2×107MW,比地球上可开发利用的水能总量还要大10倍。风能作为一种无污染、可再生的绿色能源,它对于解决全球性的能源危机和环境危机有着重要的意义。因此,风力发电成为各国学者研究的重点。目前,国内学者对大型风力发电的研究已日趋成熟,但对于实验室风力发电机的研制还是比较欠缺的。 本次毕业设计的重点是拟设计简易的风力发电,该设备能让学生容易了解风力发电的原理,以及大致测算出影响风力发电的各个因素,方便以后的大学物理实验教学,同时在制作和测试过程中对出现的一些现象进行深刻的思考,具有很强的实用性和趣味性。在研制的过程中,同时对风能的转化功率,风速等影响发电的因素,进行测量,并与理论进行对比,进而得出影响效率的因素。 关键词:风 风能发电 风力发电机 发展前景 转换形式 Title:The principle and development of wind power generation Abstract:Wind energy is a kind of conversion form of solar energy, and it is a kind of important natural energy. The sun shines on the earths surface Surface, the surface of the earths surface is heated and different, resulting in temperature difference, which can cause the formation of the air convection movement. It is estimated that only about 2% of the solar energy reaching the earth is converted to wind energy, but its total amount is still considerable. The worlds wind energy is about 2.74 x 109MW, which can be used for wind energy of 2 x 107MW, 10 times more than the total amount of water available for development and utilization of the earth. As a non polluting and renewable green energy, wind energy plays an important role in solving the global energy crisis and environmental crisis. Therefore, wind power has become the focus of scholars in various countries. At present, the research of large scale wind power has become more and more mature, but the development of the laboratory wind power generator is still relatively lacking。 Keywords :Wind Wind power generation Wind power generator Development prospect Transformation form 目录 摘要 I 第一章 风力发电概述 1 1.1 风力发电的背景 1 1.2 风力发电的现状 1 1.3 风力发电的潜力 2 1.4 风力发电的


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