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2013年海南省中考英语任务型读写试卷分析 吴玉春 * 今年七月,本人有幸参加了2013年海南中考英语评卷工作。我批改的 是任务型阅读题。受黄教研员的委托,本人就此题进行分析以及对今后的 教学谈些反思与提些建议。 、试题具体内容 任务型阅读一共有5题,具体内容如下 5 2 8 10 谈论亲情 81 | 85 任务型读写 原 创 改 编 教 材 运 用 理 解 识 记 试题出处 目标层次 分 值 考点内容 题号 题类 二、试题特点 1、依纲据本,侧重基础。 本文由220左右的单词构成,但重复出现的只是28个相当简单基础的 单词,所以难度不大。大部分学生都能理解。 2、选材立意深刻,凸显德育功能 该短文讲述的是儿子对年迈的父亲反复提问同一个问题不耐烦的故事, 从该故事明白作为子女应如何孝敬父母的道理。该故事耳熟能详,融合了 生活体验,注重思想性,凸显了德育功能。 3、试题优劣 优点:学生需通读全文方能答出5道题。 缺点:5道题中就有3道是特殊疑问句,形式单一了点。 An 80-year-old man and his wife were sitting on the sofa in the house along with their 45-year-old son. Suddenly a crow(乌鸦) landed on the window. “What’s that?” asked his father. “It’s a crow,” answered the son. “What’s that?” asked the father again after a few minutes. “Father, I just told you. It’s a crow!” replied the son. “What’s that?” asked the old father a third time. “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? I have told you so many times —— IT IS A CROW!” shouted the son. The son’s mother stood up and went into the bedroom. After a while, she came out with an old diary. She asked the son to read the following words in the diary. “Today my 3-year-old son was sitting with me on the sofa. When a crow was sitting on the window, he asked me 23 times what it was, and, 23 times, I replied, ‘it is a crow.’ I hugged(拥抱) him lovingly each time he asked me the same question, again and again.” When your parents get old, do not look at them as a burden(负担),but be kind to them. Remember they have cared for you ever since you were a little child. 根据短文内容,按要求完成下列各题。 81. Where did the old man see the crow one day? (根据短文内容回答问题) 82. Who took out the old diary? (根据短文内容回答问题) 83. How many times did the son ask his father the same question? (根据 短文内容回答问题) 84. 从短文中找出与下面句子画线部分意思最相近的单词。 “It’s a crow,” answered the son. 85. In the passage, the underlined word “them” refers to(指) ________ . ? 2. 2013年海南省中考英语阅卷评分细则及考生试卷样本 ?一、回答问题正确,得2分; 二、大小写错误或标点符号错误,不扣分; 三、时态不对,扣0.5分 .如saw 写成see . 四、写对单词,但


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