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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:基于单片机的LED汉字滚动 显示器设计 教学单位: 工程技术系 专 业: 电子信息工程 学 号: 0912070130 姓 名: 张春怀 指导教师: 赵永岐 2013年5月 摘要 LED已成为一个高速发展的新兴产业,前景广阔。该设计介绍了基单片机汉字滚动显示屏的设计本显示屏的设计具有体积小、硬件少、电路结构简单及容易实现等优点关键词:单片LED;点阵汉字显示 Abstract LED have become a high speed development of emerging industries, and broad prospects. The design based on single chip microcomputer AT89S52 was introduced 16 * 16 lattice LED scrolling display of Chinese characters design. Which focus on LED dot matrix display the functions of the parts of the hardware design, hardware circuit and the principle and the corresponding software program design, and detaiLED instructions and work processes. The design is divided into six parts, including the main content for the system overall analysis, the system hardware design, system software design three parts. System overall analysis is the foundation of the design; System hardware design is the key and core part of the paper, first of all, this part simply described the working principle of the system hardware, and attach a system block diagram of hardware design, the design is discussed the application of the hardware interface technology and the function of each interface module and working process; Software design is a crucial part of the system is running. The dominant idea of the design is a combination of software and hardware, on the basis of hardware, design of each function module. This design and strong practicability, simple operation, strong extended functionality. This display design with small size, less hardware, circuit structure is simple and easy to implement, etc. Keywords: MCU; LED; Lattice; Chinese character demonstrates 目 录 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 本课题的研究意义及必要性 1 1.2 LED的现状和发展趋势 1 1.3 LED的参数及特点 2 第2章 系统总体分析 4 2.1 设计目标及采取的方案 4 2.2 工作原理 5 2.3 总体设计 5 第3章 系统硬件设计 7 3.1 单片机处理模块 7 3.2 行驱动模块 10 3.3 列驱动模块 12 3.4 LED点阵显示模块 14 3.4.1 LED点阵显示方案 14 3.4.2 L


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