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Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage II 6. What’s the psychology of the people who want their bodies frozen? They believe in the power of science and rationality to solve problems. They believe that they will be able to live forever through technology. These people often believe that death is merely an illness, which science will eventually be able to cure. Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage II Organization Analysis Part 1 Para. 1-6 A vivid imagined picture of the progress life scientists will have made. Part 2 Para. 7-10 Introduction of the technology of cryonics. Part 3 Para. 11-14 The main problem existed in the technology of cryonics and there exists much more disputes concerning whether this technique works among people. Part 4 Para. 15-18 The Psychology of people who want their bodies frozen. Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage II Words and Expressions badge n. 1. a mark, token, device, or sign especially of membership in a society or group and usually worn on the person 标识,徽章,证件 1) The officer handed out badges to the new members. 2) Employees should wear their badges at all times in the building. 2. something that shows that you have a particular quality 象征 1) He saw his battle scar as a badge of honor. 2) National flag is a badge of the whole country. Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage II resuscitation n. restoration; revival; renewal 恢复,复活,复兴 1) The trainers included 21 nurses, two resuscitation training officers and one nurse tutor. 2) He is extremely lucky to have survived and that’s due to the expert resuscitation he got. Words and Expressions Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage II cremate v. burn the body of a dead person 火化 1) Then their bodies were cremated at night to conceal the evidence. 2) I want to be cremated and scattered from a plane over Long Beach. Words and Expressions Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage II apprehensively adv. in a state of being worried or n


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